T Street Productions (Knives Out) is currently in production on a new film currently going by the name Untitled Novelist Project. The film is written and directed by Cord Jefferson (Watchmen, The Good Place) and stars Jeffrey Wright (The Batman, Westworld, Angels In America). The movie follows the story of a struggling novelist who finds unexpected success while a brief trip to Boston becomes extended due to a series of family related issues.
Filming will take place at an area business on the corner of Congress St and A St on:
Monday, August 29th, 2022 from 7am – 7pm
The scene will involve emergency vehicles driving from Congress St to A St. They will not be stopping or detouring traffic but we do want to make sure neighbors are aware that this is not a real emergency event. BPD should be on site to sort out any confusion among first responders should there be a real emergency.
All of the crew cars will be staged off site at a private parking lot. They will be permitting parking for filming and to stage essential equipment trucks at:
- Congress St metered parking between Sleeper St and Thomson Pl
- A St resident parking between Congress St and Necco St
- A St metered parking between Melcher St and Necco St
- D St metered parking between Claflin St and New Cypher St