Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June Neighborhood Gathering To Feature Cannabis, Coffee, Ping Pong & Shuttles...Life is Good

updated 6/27th with Life is Good Coffee House Abutters meeting, South Boston Community Cruise and speakers' presentations.

What does cannabis, coffee, ping pong, and shuttles have in common? Find out at FPNA's June 27th Summer Neighborhood Gathering on: 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023
6 pm to 8 pm
in person at District Hall (75 Northern Ave.)
Online via Zoom


Jenny's Seaport
a cannabis shop proposal for
300 Northern Avenue
2nd floor (above Yankee Lobster) 

Are Shuttles Replacing MBTA Buses on A Street?
At existing or future development capacity? Will the shuttles be electric?
Discover the details plus a Summer St. Pilot Update.
Matt Moran, Boston Transportation Dept. (BTD) Transit Team Director

Pat Sullivan, Seaport TMA Executive Director 

SPIN Boston
30 Melcher Street
ping pong social club seeking to expand to 283 Summer St.
(formerly Papagayo restaurant)

Life is Good Coffee House
253 Summer Street
(formerly Metro Convenience)
requesting a Common Victualler License

Neighborhood Discussions & Updates
*Dogs off -lease at A St Park * Vicinity's A Street repaving * Cypher Street 

Please note we do not meet in July and August. Our next gathering will be September 26th.

June 20: 244-284 A Street Civic/Cultural Space RFI – Open House Workshop at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite 244 - 284 A Street will provide15,000 sf of rent-free, ground-floor Civic/Cultural Chapter 91 spaces across the project. Spatial configurations, sizes and uses are important components for a diverse mix of community uses. Find out more in person tonight and at a future virtual workshop date tbd .

June 21: Special City Council Meeting regarding Mayor Wu's resubmission on the FY24 budget at 12pm in the Christopher Iannella Chamber.

June 23: Barking Crab EENF(ENF & PEIR) comment deadline now extended to July 7th

June 24: Sip & Stretch on the Harborwalk at Martin's Park (66 Sleeper St) from 8am - 9:30am. Bring your own yoga mat and enjoy a free 45-minute yoga session by Britney Willingham of Move with Britney, followed by tea service from Alexis Jones of The Té Spa.
June 25: Black Owned Bos. Market from 12pm to 6pm at Seaport Common, 85 Northern Ave. 

June 28: Harbor Use Public Forum: Wharf District Council's Climate Resilience Plan from 8:30am - 10:00am. Join Boston Harbor Now to learn about the new downtown waterfront coastal adaptation plan including the Fort Point Channel. Public and private partners, residents, and businesses have worked together to develop a conceptual district-scale protection system to address future flooding and sea-level rise.

June 28: Life is Good Coffee Shop Abutters Meeting at 7pm. Meeting link. Via phone, dial 646-558-8656 and enter meeting id 814 9177 3713. Any questions, please contact Anna White, our South Boston ONS liaison. 

June 29: The ICA is free for all visitors every Thursday from 5 to 9 PM with Harborwalk Sounds starting July 6th. 

June 29: Boston Harbor Now is hosting a South Boston Community Cruise from 6:30pm to 8pm. Enjoy a free dinner, music and entertainment on the Boston harbor. 

Climate Story MA: The Barr Foundation and local climate advocates are collecting stories that capture the difficulties, hopes, and solutions of how people are protecting and preparing for climate change in Massachusetts. Take the survey and enter into a randomized drawing.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Traffic Advisory: Overnight Ramp Closures Tonight Through Thursday 6/22

Please be advised that starting Tuesday, June 20th through Thursday, June 22nd, there will be overnight road closures and lane restrictions in the neighborhood. Descriptions with detours are below.

Detour - Tuesday 6/20 through Thursday 6/22:
  • From I-90 East: Exit 135 (old Exit 25), the Turnpike off-ramp from I-90 East to Congress Street will be closed (Ramps E/C) with a detour via the South Boston Bypass Road.
  • Massport Haul Road: access to South Boston Bypass Road and I-90 East Ramp will be closed with detours via Summer Street and Congress Street.
  • From I-93 North: The I-90 East exit from I-93 North to South Boston/Seaport will have a double right lane closure. The right lane restriction will be moved to the left side once right-side work is complete. One lane of traffic will remain open at all times.
  • From Tuesday, June 20th from 9:00 pm to Wednesday, June 21st at 5:00 am
  • From Wednesday, June 21st from 9:00 pm to Thursday. June 22nd at 5:00 am
  • From Thursday, June 22nd from 9:00 pm to Fri. 6/23 5:00 am

Detour - Wednesday 6/21 & Thursday 6/22:
  • The Exit 135 off-ramp from I-90 West to South Boston will be closed overnight on Wednesday, June 21st and Thursday, June 22nd from 11pm until 5am each night, with a detour via I-93 North, Purchase Street, and Congress Street.
  • Wednesday, June 21st 11:00pm until 5:00am Thursday June 22nd. 
  • Thursday, June 22nd 11:00pm until 5:00am Friday June 23rd.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Who Is Up For Neighborhood Beautification Saturday?

4pm Update: We are on! Please join us in Wormwood Park for gardening until 6pm (weeds are easier to pull after the rain) and then food and refreshments at 6pm. Thanks for volunteering! 

Have you walked the Harborwalk along the Fort Point Channel or along A Street?  The Harborwalk is a living gem connecting Boston neighborhoods to the water. Wormwood Park is our loved small neighborhood park at the corner of A and Wormwood Streets. 

On Saturday morning, you are cordially invited to join FPNA and the Friends of the Boston Harborwalk as we clean the Harborwalk, the banks of the Channel and surrounding streets on:

Harborwalk Clean Up
Saturday, June 10, 2023
9:00 am -12:00 pm
45 Binford St (Gillette pumphouse & Channelside parking lot)

We'll provide everything you'll need for the morning's clean-up. We just need enthusiastic and friendly volunteers. Come enjoy the great outdoors for an hour or for three. 

Keep your eyes on the water for Boston Line and Service (BL&S) cruising the Channel and removing debris from the base and shorelines.  

Fort Point Channel

After the Harborwalk Clean Up, join us for

 “Weed and Wine” 
Wormwood Park (Wormwood & A Streets). 
3 pm

We will be weeding the A Street fence line, the tree pits and in Wormwood Park.

We invite volunteers from the morning and afternoon beautification events to enjoy pizza from Tuscan Kitchen, pasta and salad from Serafina and wine from Mayhew starting at 5pm. 

Meet your neighbors for a lovely morning of clean up, afternoon of gardening and early evening treats! 


originally published 05.31.23

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Upcoming Meetings and Events About the Neighborhood

updated 06/08/23 with 2 additional June 8th meetings & events: CPA fund program public meeting hosted by Councilors Flynn and Flaherty, the opening reception of "This Is Boston" and the previously listed 7 Channel Center Public meeting. 

May 30: Public Meeting on Inclusionary Development Policy Zoning Amendment at 6pm.  The amendment adds a new Article 79 (Inclusionary Zoning) to the Boston Zoning Code, as well the addition of new definitions to Article 2 (Definitions). General input is sought through the public meeting and website.  View meeting link for links to related documents and resources.

May 30: "CROWN" The Highest Level of Consciousness" by Artists for Humanity alumna Wendy “MoMa” Michel from 5pm to 7pm at 100 W 2nd Street. 

May 31: Barking Crab Barge virtual MEPA site visit at noon. Please RSVP to purvi.patel@mass.gov at least one hour before the meeting for instructions on joining the video conference or calling in by phone. An optional in-person site visit meeting on Thu June 1 at 11:30am may be requested before May 30, 2023 by noon.

June 3: Red Bull Cliff Diving World Diving Series Finals at 1pm at the ICA. Free and open to the public. 

June 5:  A Street Sidewalk Widening Public Meeting at 6:30pm.  The City will discuss alternatives and share a preferred design approach to widen the narrow A St sidewalks between Congress St and Melcher St.


June 6: A Guide to South Boston’s Transportation Planning and the Development Review Process at 6pm. View guide. Although this transportation planning boundaries are outside of Fort Point and Seaport, it can be helpful to understand adjacent impacts and transportation solutions. Update: We heard at the June 5th A Street Sidewalk Widening Public meeting that there is funding for a new shuttle service to serve Fort Point, Seaport and beyond including A Street (both sides), D Street and the Raymond L Flynn Marine Park. This new shuttle route will be part of the this meeting too. 

June 8: The Midway Gallery cordially invites you to the opening of "This is Boston", a group show of Midway artists interpreting what Boston represents from multiple points of view and mediums, from 5pm to 8pm at 15 Channel Center St. Show runs through August 18th.

June 8: 7 Channel Center Public Meeting at 6pm to discuss mitigation impacts regarding PDA 53. 

June 8: Join Councilors Ed Flynn and Michael Flaherty at 6pm at the South Boston Public Library (646 E Broadway) to discover how to utilize Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds to enhance historic preservation, affordable housing, open space, and outdoor recreation capital projects in our neighborhood. CPA funds have been awarded to the Boston Fire Museum for renovations. Register


June 9th: Chapter 91 Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park Final Master Plan Update comment deadline.

June 9: 244 – 284 A St FEIR comment deadline

June 9: Barking Crab EENF(ENF & PEIR) comment deadline

originally published 05.25.23

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Taste of South Boston Returns This Sunday

The South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation (South Boston NDC) is celebrating their 40th year and is bringing back the Taste of South Boston for the first time since the COVID-19 hiatus. 

You are cordially invited to attend this premier food event taking place this Sunday, June 11, 2023.

Taste of South Boston
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Artists for Humanity (100 West 2nd Street)
Get Your Tickets Today ($75 in advance, $85 at the door)

The evening's event includes unlimited sampling of culinary specialties from South Boston's top restaurants as well as beer, wine, and spirits. Al’s Liquors will provide the wine; Castle Island Brewing Company will provide the beer; and Diageo Brands and Viva Tequila Seltzer will provide special cocktails!

The Taste of South Boston is a charity event supporting South Boston NDC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing local affordable housing.

Monday, June 05, 2023

Let's Talk Sidewalks on A Street

The Fort Point neighborhood has long talked about better and wider sidewalks on A Street between Melcher and Congress Streets. There are many projects touching this part of the neighborhood, including developer-funded work near Melcher Street; a Public Works project to address the southern stairs; and the Public Works project to reconstruct Congress Street. At the meeting, we'll discuss ways to connect all of these and meet your goals for A Street's sidewalks.

The City's teams are looking to sharing options and getting your feedback on:

Monday, June 5, 2023
via Zoom
Register today

originally published 05.23.23