Thursday, June 29, 2017

MBTA To Host Public Meeting For Track 61 Red Line Car Testing

updated 6.29.17: In case you missed the meeting, view MBTA's presentation. Below is the overall project timeline:

Design: Winter/Spring 2017
Advertise: July 2017
Construction: Fall 2017 to Early 2019
Red Line Pilot Car Delivery: Begins in Early 2019
Red Line Production Car Delivery: Late 2019
End of Delivery/Acceptance: Early 2024
Completion of Project: Summer 2024

The MBTA will host a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at Artists for Humanity at 100 W Second Street regarding a section of South Boston track known as Track 61 that will be used for testing new Red Line subway cars starting in 2019 through 2023. At this meeting, MBTA staff and project team members will share information about the project scope and schedule and be available to answer questions. 

The Project corridor is approximately 5,185 feet long and follows the existing track from Cabot Yard south of the South Boston Bypass Road and travels northeast under each cross street from West Fifth Street until B Street and terminates at the property with frontage on Cypher Street. This property is generally known as “Yard 61” and is privately owned; however, a portion of the property is encumbered by a railroad easement held by the MBTA through MassDOT.

A Vehicle Testing Facility is proposed to be built at B & Cypher Streets with access from B & W 1st Streets. 

Why Track 61?
Adjacent to Haul Road, Track 61 meets the requirements necessary for proper testing:
No less than 1,800 feet of straight track for test runs.
Close proximity to the Red Line’s maintenance facility.
Ability to move cars from the Red Line’s maintenance facility to the test track with no impact on the main line.
Additional storage for vehicles in close proximity to the test track.

At a projected cost of $32 million, upgrading of the track will commence in the fall after the MBTA solicits bids and awards a contract for the necessary work.

More information about the project can be found at and via the MBTA Notice of Intent

This meeting is accessible to people with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency. Accessibility accommodations and language services will be provided free of charge, upon request, as available. Such services include documents in alternate formats, translated documents, assistive listening devices, and interpreters (including American Sign Language). For more information or to request reasonable accommodations and/or language services, please contact Shannon Ryan at 617.268.7620 or

originally published 6.09.17

New Construction In Fort Point

Construction of 399 Congress, a new residential community of over 400 rental units offering a diverse mix of living spaces from innovation units to 3 bedrooms, started last week. 

To minimize impact to the community during the construction process the owners, Crescent Heights, launched a construction update website. There is also a sign up to receive weekly email updates.

Crescent Heights is committed to fill the ground-floor retail space with appropriate retailers that reflect and enhance the surrounding neighborhood. Crescent Heights seeks out emerging and established neighborhoods nationwide, and works with world-class architects, interior designers, and landscape artists to conceive exceptional new residential communities from the ground up.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Fort Point Summer Kickoff: Rep, Collins, Neighborhood Highlights & Meet the Candidates

Join the Fort Point Neighborhood Association
for a Fort Point Summer Kickoff *

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
6 pm
315 on A
Sky Lounge, 20th Floor

315 A Street

with special guest
State Representative Nick Collins

and introducing the candidates for
Boston City Council District 2

Corey Dinopoulos

Edward Flynn

Michael Kelley

Neighborhood Updates
enjoy a "healthy wine tasting" by Juice Press
& tasty bites by Row 34

* Our kickoff to summer will be our last gathering until Fall.

GE To Hold Second Construction Community Meeting

updated 6.23.17 with June 19th meeting presentation and construction updates sign-up.

GE will hold a community meeting to discuss further construction details on the renovation and development of their new home, GE Innovation Point on:

Monday, June 19, 2018
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Factory 63
63 Melcher Street

Abutters are encouraged to attend as well as the public.  

Construction Updates
Website: GE Reports
Hotline: 617-443-3434

View construction truck routes as of March 30, 2017

In case you missed it, take a sneak peek at the green bridge rehabilitation as presented at Fort Point Landmarks District Commission on June 8, 2017. 

Related Posts

originally published 6.13.17 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

BCEC Community Meeting: A Neighborhood Perspective

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 from 6 pm - 8 pm at the Condon School (200 D Street), a community meeting sponsored by the  South Boston Elected Officials, the St. Vincent's Neighborhood Association and the Fort Point Neighborhood Association will be held to discuss:

  • The future of the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC) 
  • Ongoing safety and environmental concerns related to Cypher Street/South Lot remediation
  • The MassDOT testing lab
  • Access at the Lawn on D

Massachusetts Convention Center Authority (MCCA) officials will make a presentation followed by Q & A with residents. All are welcome. 

originally published 6.16.17

Power Plant Redevelopment Public Meeting

updated 6.12.17:  The next project public community meeting will be June 21, 2017 from 6pm - 8pm at the Tynan School.The June 7th meeting presentation is available for viewing. You may also read about the project at L Street Station Boston.

The BDPA (Boston Planning and Development Agency) hosted a public meeting for HRP 776 Summer Street LLC's proposal to redevelop the former L Street Edison Power Plant, an approximately 15.2-acre site located at 776 Summer Street in the South Boston neighborhood of Boston on: 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017
6 pm - 8 pm
Tynan School
650 E 4th Street
View Meeting Presentation

The rehabilitated and new buildings are anticipated upon completion of the full build-out to contain approximately 2.1 million square feet of residential, office, hotel, retail, restaurant, and other commercial uses, together with ancillary parking (the “Proposed Project”). Included in the project is the on-site creation of an arts and industry district. For more project details, view the project notification form.

BPDA Project Manager: Gary Uter

originally published 6.1.17

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Boston City Council Looks At Summer St. Funding, Sanctuary Schools, Cultural Districts, Marijuana & More

City Council President Michelle Wu publishes notes from Boston City Council meetings. The Boston City Council considered the following items and more at their June 7th and June 14th Council meetings:

Transportation Infrastructure Grant: The Mayor filed an order asking for authorization for the Public Works Department to accept and expend a $6M MassDOT grant for pedestrian, bicycle and traffic improvements to be used in the reconstruction of Summer Street in the Waterfront. The matter was sent to the Parks, Recreation & Transportation Committee for a hearing.

FY18 Operating Budget: By City Charter, the Council must act on the budget each year by the 2nd Wednesday of June but our fiscal year ends June 30th, so it is customary that the Council rejects the budget without prejudice, allowing the Administration to resubmit a revised version with changes reflecting feedback from our many Ways & Means Committee hearings (27 to date). The Council voted down the General operating budget, BPS operating budget, and other post-employment benefits (OPEB) liability trust fund. The Administration will most likely resubmit the budget at next week’s Council meeting, with a hearing on the changes tentatively scheduled for June 27th at 10AM. If the Council does not approve the budget by the start of FY2018 (meaning a vote at the June 28th meeting), departments will continue on a month-to-month basis with 1/12 of the funding that was allocated in this current fiscal year.

Sanctuary School Act: Councilors Flaherty and Jackson reported back on yesterday’s hearing on Councilor Jackson’s proposed Sanctuary School Act, which would codify practices regarding federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Boston Public Schools. Under the ordinance, ICE agents would not be allowed to enter BPS sites without a signed warrant from a judge and explicit written permission from the Superintendent and District Attorney; BPS will refuse all voluntary information sharing with ICE; and BPS may not ask for or require proof of legal immigration status upon enrollment. The matter remains in the Government Operations Committee for further work given testimony from Administration officials that some revisions would be needed. Several Councilors urged the city’s law department to act quickly on suggesting those revisions, because students are going into summer school and teachers had testified at the hearing about confusion due to lack of policy at the moment.

Medical Marijuana Dispensary: Councilor Zakim called for a hearing regarding a medical marijuana dispensary at 331 Newbury Street. Compassionate Organics, a non-profit medical marijuana company, is seeking approval to open a dispensary at 331 Newbury Street in the Back Bay. In order to advance in the state’s application process, any petitioner must obtain a letter of support or non-opposition from Mayor Walsh or the City Council. This particular applicant had appeared before the Council in August 2016 when applying for a location on Harvard Ave in Allston, and the Council voted to decline offering a letter of non-opposition for that location. Councilor Zakim stated that he does not have a position on this particular applicant at this location, but wanted to give them a fair and open hearing before the Council to hear from neighbors. The matter was assigned to the Planning & Development Committee for a hearing.

City Council Summer Meetings Location: President Wu filed public notice confirming the location change for Council meetings on July 12th, August 2nd, August 23rd, and September 13th – which will be moved to Faneuil Hall while the Council Chamber is under renovations for accessibility improvements. As a reminder, the project will lift the Council floor and make our space fully accessible for those with mobility challenges and/or using wheelchairs. Currently, the Council floor is three steps down from the main floor, and the only way down is from a ramp that requires someone in a wheelchair to go all the way around to the back entrance for access. The new plans will mean that no one will have to go around to the back to access the Council floor, and that the Councilors’ entrance and President’s podium will be fully accessible. The plan will also change a row of public seating to provide wheelchair-accessible seating (currently nonexistent). The improvements will also include sound treatments on some of the walls to help attendees hear better, LED lights that will save energy and provide adequate lighting on one side of the Chamber that is currently dark, and new carpeting in the form of carpet tiles that are easier to clean and overall more cost-effective to maintain. The Council was told that renovations are scheduled to be completed by mid-September, so the plan is to be back in City Hall for our Council meetings on September 20th and 27th. If construction runs long, Faneuil Hall is already booked for these dates, but we’ve reserved backup dates in Faneuil Hall on different days of the week for those two weeks. Committee hearings will take place in Room 801 of City Hall during construction. All hearings and meetings will continue to be live-streamed with closed captioning as usual. Thanks to Council Central Staff, Property Management, the City Cable Office, and Boston Neighborhood Network for all your coordination and efforts to plan for this transition.

Urban Renewal: President Wu filed a letter attaching a communication from BPDA Director Brian Golden codifying the agency’s understanding of the City Council’s role in future urban renewal plan extensions within the City of Boston, as a follow up to our most recent City Council Urban Renewal Biannual Update meeting. The letter confirms that the BPDA will seek and obtain Council’s approval for any future extension of the urban renewal plans prior to seeking the MA Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) approval. Read the letter here.

Fenway Cultural District: The Council voted to adopt a resolution President Wu filed in partnership with Councilors Pressley, Jackson, and Zakim to support the renewal of the Fenway Cultural District Designation. Last week, the Council held a hearing at the Museum of Fine Arts on the district’s reapplication for another 5-year period, where we heard from Chief of Arts and Culture Julie Burros, Fenway Alliance Executive Director Kelly Brilliant, leaders from the MFA, Simmons College, First Church of Christ Scientist, and Berklee College of Music, and many residents in support of renewal. As a reminder, on March 24, 2012, the Fenway Cultural District was officially designated as Boston’s first cultural district by the Massachusetts Cultural Council thanks to a resolution sponsored by Councilors Pressley and Jackson, along with then-Councilor Mike Ross. To maintain this designation, the Massachusetts Cultural Council requires all cultural districts to submit a reapplication every five years and to hold at least one community input meeting. The reapplication includes an expanded map to include Berklee College of Music. Council sponsors emphasized that the renewal would reinforce collaboration among the city’s now three cultural districts (the Literary Cultural District and Roxbury Cultural District in addition), that there are practical benefits to designation (including closer collaboration and cross-promotion), and real economic benefits too.

Upcoming Hearings (Watch Live
  • Monday, 6/19 at 2:00PM, Medically Supervised Injection Facilities (Homelessness, Mental Health & Recovery)
  • Tuesday, 6/27 at 10:00AM, [Tentative] FY18 Budget Resubmittal (Ways & Means)
For complete notes on Boston City Council meetings, visit or sign up to receive these notes automatically each week by email. 

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Fort Point Channel Landmarks June 2017 Meeting


Thursday, June 8, 2017
5:30 PM
Boston City Hall - Piemonte Room (5th Floor)
After 5:30 pm, enter and exit City Hall at the Dock Square entrance on Congress Street 
(across from Faneuil Hall).

Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, review of architectural violations and such business as may come before the commission, in accordance with Ch. 772 of the Acts of 1975, as amended.


17.1002 FPC 253 Summer Street (continued from 1/2017)
Applicant: Susan Twomey, Bergmeyer Associates. Inc.
Proposed Work: lnstall wall painted signage (Lolita) at one location; remove infill at openings fronting the channel; install menu boxes at two locations; relocate the Harborwalk Signage; create a new door opening within the Harborwalk; install stairs and metal corner guards at Necco Court entry; modify Certificate of Design Approval 16.1560FPC and 17.71OFPC with changes to the lighting, window sash material within the Harborwalk. and modify the design of the paired entry doors within the Harborwalk.

Applicant: Peter Cavanaugh, General Electric
Proposed Work: Rehabilitate the connector bridge on Necco Court.

Applicant: Peter Cooke, T-Mobile Northeast LLC
Proposed Work: Install telecommunication equipment on the roof of the building.

Applicant: Kosta Jovanovic, Crown Castle
Proposed Work: Modify Certificate of Design Approval l7.6l7FPC by changing the style of two light poles featuring telecommunication equipment.




David Berarducci (Chair). Susan Goganian, John Karoff (Vice-Chair), Lynn Smiledge, Michele Yeeles
Alternates: Thomas Rodde, Vacancy

originally published 5.25.17

Friday, June 02, 2017

Common Boston Festival This Weekend In Fort Point & Beyond

The Common Boston Festival, a program of the BSA Foundation, is a unique opportunity to discover and explore the region's rich architectural, cultural, and historic resources. On Saturday and Sunday June 3 and 4, 2017, more than  50 sites throughout Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, and Brookline will open their doors to the public free of charge, allowing people to explore their city environment and deepen their knowledge of their community. From innovative wood shops and rooftop gardens to 300 year old houses and Tiffany stained glass adorned sacred spaces, Common Boston's diverse range of sites sheds light on the great and hidden architecture of Boston. For a complete list of sites and to download the catalog click here.

Here is what is going on in and around Fort Point:

BSA Space
Museums and Galleries | 290 Congress St, 02210
Sat 10am–5pm, Sun 10am–5pm | 617.391.4027

The design of Boston's leading center for architecture and design creates a single gesture of a soffit, a monumental stair, and a billboard to make BSA Space both visible and accessible to the public. BSA Space is home to the Boston Society of Architects/AIA and the BSA Foundation. The space hosts exhibitions, walking tours, and other programs that encourage collaboration. The exhibition currently on view is The New Inflatable Moment, which explores the resurgence of inflatable installations in
architecture. Wheelchair Accessible. Built in 2011, designed by Höweler + Yoon.

Community Boat Building
Community Spaces | 21 Liberty Dr, 02210
Sat 10am–6pm, Sun 12pm–6pm | 617.428.0155

This 4,300 square foot space is an open design suitable for building 10-foot wooden skiffs. The construction process of the boats teaches Boston Public Schools students about teamwork, mathematics, design, and spatial relations. It helps to fire students’ imaginations, provide access to launch boats, and give students a place to assess the marine environment. Community Boat Building is able to occupy its current space through offsets stipulated by the Chapter 91 Public Waterfront Act. Wheelchair Accessible. Built in 2014.

District Hall
Innovation | 75 Northern Ave, 02210
Sat 10am–6pm, Sun 10am–6pm | 617.982.3213

Built on the site of the former waterfront rail yards, the building is inspired by the area’s industrial past. It is composed of two basic volumes: a long, low bar references box cars that once populated the site, and an angular shell recalls the shipping industry’s boats and waterfront warehouses. District Hall is the first freestanding, city-championed innovation center of its kind in the country. Inside, find a restaurant and café, workspaces, and classrooms. District Hall’s mission is to build, strengthen, and connect individuals and communities of innovators.Wheelchair Accessible,  Built in 2013, designed by Hacin + Associates.

L Street Power Station
Innovation | 776 Summer St, 02127
Sat 10am–6pm, Sun 10am–6pm | 617.904.7000

Built at the turn of the 19th century as a power plant that supplied much of Boston’s growing energy needs, L Street Power Station was operated as a power plant through the beginning of the 21st century. It was purchased in a joint venture between Hilco and Redgate in April 2016 who plan to redevelop it into a vibrant, arts- and industry-themed, mixed-use project that celebrates its special history. The main turbine hall of the station is open to CB17 visitors. Built in 1903, designed by Boston Electric Company.

Shrine of Our Lady of Good Voyage
Sacred Spaces | 51 Seaport Blvd, 02210
Sat 10am–6pm, Sun 10am–11am, 12:45pm–6pm,
Mass Sunday 11am–12:45pm | 617.268.8100

Built in the 1950s to serve fishermen, longshoremen, and their families, the Chapel moved to a new site this year to better serve local workers. The new chapel retains much of its nautical heritage with a ceiling patterned after the hull of a ship and walls inscribed with the prayer “They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters…” It is a beautiful house of prayer, intimate in size, but majestic in its elements. Wheelchair Accessible. Built in 2017, designed by Cram and Ferguson Architects.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

2017 Fort Point Channel Watersheet Activation Grants Announced

In case you missed it, last month the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) and the Fort Point Channel Operations Board (FPCOB) awarded five grants totaling $50,300 to art, education, and community groups with plans for activating the Fort Point Channel Watersheet for the 2017 season.

Grant applicants were asked to submit creative proposals for water-based programming in and around Fort Point that will benefit the general public, including such things as new water-based infrastructure, public events, art installations, and educational opportunities.

2017 Winning Projects

Outdoor Programming at Boston Children’s Museum
Applicant:Boston Children’s Museum
Award: $10,000
The Boston Children’s Museum submitted a proposal for free, family-friendly, and educational outdoor programming on the waterfront this summer.

Brown Box Season of Free Theater
Applicant: Brown Box Theatre Project
Award: $10,000
Brown Box Theatre Project’s professional, high-quality, and free performances will return to the Fort Point Channel for the fifth year with both indoor and outdoor performances with support for professional actors and the promotion of their productions.

FPC Floating Salt Marsh
Applicant: Community Boat Building
Award: $7,239
Community Boat Building (CBB)’s mission is to bring real world experience and academic skills together to build both a sea-worthy boat and an excitement for learning among low-income elementary school students in Boston Public Schools (BPS). CBB plans to construct a floating salt marsh that will engage at-risk BPS students and reinforce STEM academics.

Discovering Fort Point Channel: A Science and Art Exploration of the Beings and Beauty of the Waterfront
Applicant: “e”, Inc.
Award: $7,061
Previous grantee “e” inc. will return with its six-week marine science education program at Atlantic Wharf on Fort Point Channel this July and August. Youth from various urban summer camps and social service centers will be able to enjoy hands-on science lessons and experience rowing in Boston Harbor.

Floating Public Art Series
Applicant: Fort Point Arts Community
Award: $16,000
The Fort Point Arts Community (FPAC) will bring more floating art to the Fort Point Channel—two temporary floating public art projects timed to coincide with FPAC’s Fall and Spring Open Studio events.

About the Fort Point Watersheet Activation Plan
The grant program is part of the Fort Point Watersheet Activation Plan, established in 2002 by the Mayor's Office and the Boston Redevelopment Authority to spearhead a vision for a “Boston Common on the water.” The Plan, which proposed new cultural activities and year round programming, resulted from a successful collaborative effort between the City, the State’s Office of Coastal Zone Management, landowners, nonprofit and cultural leaders, and residents. The Fort Point Channel Watersheet Activation Grant Program is funded by the Chapter 91 Waterways Regulations License for Atlantic Wharf, developed by Boston Properties.