updated 6.29.17: In case you missed the meeting, view MBTA's presentation. Below is the overall project timeline:
Design: Winter/Spring 2017
Advertise: July 2017
Construction: Fall 2017 to Early 2019
Red Line Pilot Car Delivery: Begins in Early 2019
Red Line Production Car Delivery: Late 2019
End of Delivery/Acceptance: Early 2024
Completion of Project: Summer 2024
The MBTA will host a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at Artists for Humanity at 100 W Second Street regarding a section of South Boston track known as Track 61 that will be used for testing new Red Line subway cars starting in 2019 through 2023. At this meeting, MBTA staff and project team members will share information about the project scope and schedule and be available to answer questions.
The Project corridor is approximately 5,185 feet long and follows the existing track from Cabot Yard south of the South Boston Bypass Road and travels northeast under each cross street from West Fifth Street until B Street and terminates at the property with frontage on Cypher Street. This property is generally known as “Yard 61” and is privately owned; however, a portion of the property is encumbered by a railroad easement held by the MBTA through MassDOT.
A Vehicle Testing Facility is proposed to be built at B & Cypher Streets with access from B & W 1st Streets.
Why Track 61?
Adjacent to Haul Road, Track 61 meets the requirements necessary for proper testing:
No less than 1,800 feet of straight track for test runs.
Close proximity to the Red Line’s maintenance facility.
Ability to move cars from the Red Line’s maintenance facility to the test track with no impact on the main line.
Additional storage for vehicles in close proximity to the test track.
Additional storage for vehicles in close proximity to the test track.
At a projected cost of $32 million, upgrading of the track will commence in the fall after the MBTA solicits bids and awards a contract for the necessary work.
This meeting is accessible to people with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency. Accessibility accommodations and language services will be provided free of charge, upon request, as available. Such services include documents in alternate formats, translated documents, assistive listening devices, and interpreters (including American Sign Language). For more information or to request reasonable accommodations and/or language services, please contact Shannon Ryan at 617.268.7620 or sryan@afhboston.org.
originally published 6.09.17