Monday, March 29, 2021

FPNA March Neighborhood Meeting: Taking It To The Streets

You are invited to a virtual
Fort Point Seaport
Neighborhood Gathering

Tuesday, March 30, 2021
6 pm to 8 pm
Zoom Sign In


Our C-6 Community Service Officers

former Rockland Trust Bank Pavilion 
290 Northern Avenue
requesting support for All Liquor License

Nautilus Pier 4
300 Pier 4
requesting support for outdoor entertainment license
including live music & DJ

Taking It To The Streets
Sleeper St & Congress St Improvements
Pat Hoey, Neighborhood Planning Director, Boston Transportation Dept.
Zach Wassmouth, Chief Design Engineer, Boston Public Works Dept.

Mayoral Candidate Spotlight
District 4 Boston City Councilor Andrea Campbell

Neighborhood Open Discussion & Updates
Cannabis Shop (Blue Dragon), Development, Committees, Love Your Block 

We invite you to renew your membership or become an FPNA member for the first time. An individual membership is $35 and a family membership is $50. You can pay by check or via venmo @FPNA-Boston.  Join FPNA today!
Upcoming Happenings

Monday, March 29: 5:30 pm - 7 pm Amendment of Groundwater Trust Overlay District to extend protection to groundwater levels in areas of the city with older buildings on wooden piles built on filled land. This includes us and parts of East Boston, Downtown Waterfront, Roxbury/South End, and Audubon Circle.

Tuesday, March 30: FPNA Neighborhood Gathering 6pm - 8pm. Details above. Monday, April 5:

Wednesday, March 31: 6 pm - 7:30 pm  Amhreins (80 West Broadway) Public Meeting for a proposed mixed use lab/research building with ground floor retail and retention of 4 story building. 

Monday, April 5: 6 pm - 7:30 pm: 24 Drydock Avenue Impact Advisory Group Meeting for proposed demolition of a 3 story building for an 8 story mixed used building of Life Sciences, marine industrial and supportive uses in the Raymond Flynn Marine Park. Public is welcome to attend. 

Wednesday, April 14: 1 pm Boston Cannabis Board Hearing for recreational pot shop at 324 A Street (Blue Dragon site) by operator Keltic Green.

Street Sweeping
Starting April 1st, overnight street cleaning from 12:01 to 7am on Congress St (Dorchester Ave to E. Service) and on Sleeper St.
Starting Tuesday, April 6 street sweeping on A Street and Binford Street from 9 am - 1 pm.
Click here to learn more and to sign up for alerts

Neighborhood updates, questions or concerns, please contact FPNA

originally posted 03.24.21

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Boston City Council Looks At Vaccines, Separation of Powers, Preliminary Election & More

City Councilor-At-Large Michelle Wu publishes notes from Boston City Council meetings. Below are some highlights from March 24, 2021 Boston City Council meeting: 


Vaccine Access for Domestic and Essential Workers: The Council voted unanimously to adopt a resolution from Councilors Edwards and Breadon in support of all domestic workers and essential workers in need of immediate Covid-19 vaccine access.

Separation of Powers: The Council voted to adopt amendments to the Council rules filed by Councilor Bok to add a Rule #51 to codify the separation of powers in the event of a mayoral vacancy. 


Resignation of Mayor Martin J. Walsh: The Council accepted the letter of resignation from Mayor Martin J. Walsh, effective March 22, 2021 at 9PM, given his confirmation as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor. (Placed on file)

Communication from City Council President Kim Janey: The Council accepted the letter from Mayor Kim Janey regarding her transition to her new role as acting Mayor of the City of Boston. (Placed on file)

Preliminary Election: The Mayor introduced an Order to change the date of the preliminary election from September 21, 2021 to September 14, 2021, to enable enough time to certify election results before the general election on November 3, 2021, given a potential expansion of vote by mail. This matter was referred to the Committee on Government Operations.

UPCOMING HEARINGS (Streaming online at

  • Our next City Council meeting will be on Wednesday, March 31th at 12PM.

  • Thursday, March 25 at 10AM: Working session regarding an ordinance to establish guidelines for permitting retail residential kitchens and a text amendment for the Boston Zoning Code to add retail residential kitchens as an accessory home occupation (Committee on Small Business and Workforce Development)

  • Thursday, March 25 at 1PM: Hearing regarding an $80,000 grant for the FY21 Sustainable Materials Recovery Program/Recycling Dividends (Committee on City and Neighborhood Services)

  • Thursday, March 25 at 5PM: Hearing regarding appropriations recommended by the City of Boston Community Preservation Committee for community preservation projects (Community Preservation Committee)

  • Friday, March 26 at 9:30AM: Hearing regarding green and social bonds (Committee on Post Audit and Oversight)

  • Monday, March 29 at 10AM: Hearing regarding an ordinance requiring equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution and an ordinance extending paid sick leave for COB employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine (Committee on Government Operations)

  • Monday, March 29 at 1PM: Hearing regarding a petition from A Yankee Line for a license to operate motor vehicles for the carriage of passengers for hire (Committee on City and Neighborhood Services)  

  • Tuesday, March 30 at 9AM: Hearing regarding zoning relief for 100% affordable and deeply affordable projects (Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation)

  • Tuesday, March 30 at 1PM: Hearing to discuss ways for the City to prevent and investigate instances of hate crimes and discirmination (Committee on Civil Rights)

  • Tuesday, March 30 at 4PM: Hearing regarding the state of affordable housing as to Boston's Inclusionary Development Policy (Committee on Housing and Community Development)

For complete notes of Boston City Council meetings, visit to sign up to receive Council Notes automatically.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Street Sweeping & Ticketing Enforcement


  • Street cleaning resumes each spring starting in April and continuing through November. Be in the know. Don't get ticketed or towed.
  • Street sweeping ticketing enforcement will also resume and vehicles in violation will be subject to towing. In case you missed it, the Boston Transportation Department resumed ticketing ($40) enforcement for expired inspection stickers and vehicle registration. Mayor Walsh had paused enforcement of certain violations at the beginning of the pandemic in an effort to ensure residents could minimize their need to go out to slow the spread of COVID-19.
  • Failure to move a vehicle during posted street sweeping hours results in a $40 fine which increases to $90 for overnight street sweeping.  View a complete list of parking codes and fines in the City of Boston. With the addition of more bike lanes around the City, be aware that it is a $100 fine to park in a bike lane. To learn more about the daytime and nighttime street sweeping program, including when the Public Works Department cleans a particular neighborhood, you can sign up for street sweeping alerts and No-Tow reminder service online.

  • As a reminder, residents with resident parking permits will continue to be allowed to park at meters within their neighborhood without having to abide by the time limits or pay the meter.

  • The Boston Transportation Department will continue to evaluate additional parking enforcement changes throughout the phased reopening. For more information, visit

Boston City Council Looks At Democratic Public Meetings, Digital Infrastructure, Sidewalks, Recovery & More

City Councilor-At-Large Michelle Wu publishes notes from Boston City Council meetings. Below are a few highlights from March 17, 2021 Boston City Council meeting: 


Medication Assisted Recovery and Care: The Council voted to pass a resolution from Councilor Edwards in support of SD.1709, An Act Relative to Medication Assisted Recovery and Care, which will address the systemic barriers faced by those on medication assisted recovery.

Striking Nurses at St. Vincent’s Hospital: The Council voted to pass a resolution from Councilors Edwards and Flynn in support of the striking nurses at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts, who are advocating for safe staffing ratios and additional support staff to protect their patients’ health.

Structure of the Fiscal Management and Control Board: The Council voted to pass a resolution from Councilors Flynn and Bok in support of SD.1313, An Act Relative to the Structure of the Fiscal Management and Control Board. This bill would expand the FMCB to 7 members, including one member to be appointed by the Mayor of Boston


Divestment of the City Treasury: Councilors Edwards, O’Malley and I filed an ordinance relative to the investments of the City Treasury, which would prohibit local investments in tobacco companies, fossil fuel companies, or companies related to the operation of private prisons. Massachusetts was the first state to divest from South Africa in 1982 and the first to divest all state pension funds from tobacco companies in 1997. This is an opportunity to build on that legacy by refusing to fund dangerous, predatory companies that compromise the wellbeing of the next generation. This matter was referred to the Committee on Government Operations. 

Access to Local Democracy: Councilors Edwards, Breadon and Mejia filed an ordinance expanding access to local democracy in the City of Boston. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, municipalities have enabled remote participation in and access to open meetings, meaningfully increasing Boston residents’ engagement in local democracy. This legislation would establish provisions for a permanent remote participation option for all public body meetings, with technology accessible for people with disabilities and those who speak a language other than English. This matter was referred to the Committee on Government Operations.

Digital Infrastructure and Electronic City Services: Councilors Edwards and Flynn called for a hearing on digital infrastructure and electronic city services. Residents are increasingly reliant on the City’s digital infrastructure to access information and services, but this infrastructure requires extensive investment and maintenance to ensure it is modern, secure, and accessible. This matter was referred to the Committee on City & Neighborhood Services. 


Supplemental Sidewalk Clearance Program: Councilor Flynn reported back as Chair of the Committee on City and Neighborhood Services on a hearing recently held to discuss a supplemental sidewalk clearance program during snowstorms in Boston, sponsored by Councilor Bok. At the hearing, we heard from Chief of Streets Chris Osgood and Public Works Superintendent Michael Brohel, as well as representatives from WalkBoston, Livable Streets Alliance, and the City of Syracuse, NY, to explore policy options to ensure safe streets for seniors, people with disabilities, and others with mobility challenges. (Remains in Committee)

UPCOMING HEARINGS (Streaming online at
  • Our next City Council meeting will be on Wednesday, March 24th at 12PM.

  • Friday, March 19 at 10AM: Hearing regarding commercial vacancies in Boston (Committee on Small Business & Workforce Development)

  • Monday, March 22 at 4PM: Hearing regarding appointments to the Boston Public Health Commission’s Board of Health (Committee on Public Health)

  • Tuesday, March 23 at 1PM: Working session regarding police contracts as policy documents (Committee on Ways & Means)

  • Tuesday, March 23 at 4PM: Hearing regarding the implementation of hte #BPSReady reopening plan (Committee on Education)

For complete notes of Boston City Council meetings, visit to sign up to receive Council Notes automatically.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Boston City Council Looks at Daycare, Residential Kitchens, Property Taxes, Conservation Corps & More

City Councilor-At-Large Michelle Wu publishes notes from Boston City Council meetings. Below are a few highlights from March 3 and March 10, 2021 Boston City Council meetings: 


Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day: We voted unanimously to adopt Councilor Breadon’s resolution designating March as Women’s History Month and March 8 as International Women’s Day.

Boston VNA Health Care Professionals: We voted to adopt a resolution from Councilors Flynn, Edwards and Breadon in support of Boston VNA health care professionals in negotiations for their first-ever union contract, and urges the BVNA management to treat these workers with respect and dignity.


Inclusion of Daycare Facilities Zoning: In partnership with Councilor Breadon, I called for a hearing regarding the Inclusion of Daycare Facilities zoning regulations. Since 1989, Boston’s zoning code has included Inclusion of Daycare Facilities (IDF) regulations that require developers of buildings above a certain size to either set aside space for an on-site early education facility or cause such facilities to be created off-site. However, these regulations are inconsistently enforced, and some developers have made financial contributions to BPDA in lieu of directly building early education facilities, despite a clear process for determining the size of such financial contributions or how these funds should be used. High-quality early education and care is a public good, but these regulations could be strengthened to increase the supply of early education programs, meet the scale of demand for early education, and meet the needs of all of Boston’s working families. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation.

Zoning Amendment for Residential Kitchens: Councilor Mejia called for a text amendment to the Boston Zoning Code to update certain aspects of the Accessory Home Occupations definition to include retail residential kitchens. The Committee on Government Operations recently held a working session to discuss necessary changes to Boston’s zoning code to enable residential kitchens to sell cottage goods. During the working session, we heard from representatives of Boston’s Inspectional Services Department, the Boston Planning and Development Agency, and the Office of Small Business Development, and advocates to determine when a residential business would require a permit, the inspectional staffing needs, and necessary wraparound services for business owners to adhere to safety standards. In response to this discussion, Councilor Mejia proposed this text amendment to the zoning code, which was assigned to the Committee on Government Operations.

Off-Leash Dog Recreation Spaces: Councilor Arroyo called for a hearing to discuss off-leash dog recreation spaces in the City of Boston. The current distribution and planned expansion of the City’s dog recreation spaces leaves many residents without access to off-leash recreation spaces, especially in the neighborhoods of Hyde Park, Roslindale, Mattapan and West Roxbury. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Environment, Resiliency and Parks.

Language and Communications Access: Councilor Mejia proposed an ordinance amending Boston’s language and communications access ordinance. There are over 140 languages spoken in the City of Boston, and Boston residents who speak languages other than English often struggle to access City resources and information. There is a need for information to be translated and interpreted, but also to be conveyed in a culturally competent way that reflects its audience. In 2016, I introduced and the Council passed an ordinance establishing a language and communications access plan for the City of Boston’s departments which made accommodations for individuals who speak languages other than English. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Government Operations.

Gender Parity in the Naming of Public Art and Places: Councilor Essaibi George called for a hearing regarding gender parity in the naming of public art and places. She noted that only 10 of BPS’ 125 schools, 2 of the almost 400 properties managed by Parks and Recreation, and none of the Boston Public Library branches are named after women. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Arts, Culture and Special Events.


Property Taxes and Assistance Programs: Councilor Bok reported back on a recent hearing to discuss property taxes and assistance programs for seniors and long-term residents facing difficulties during COVID-19. Property taxes may increase the burden for seniors and other vulnerable Boston residents and affect their ability to maintain their homes. During the hearing, representatives from Administration and Finance, Assessing Department, Age Strong Commission, and others presented about the impact of property taxes and opportunities to provide relief. (Remains in Committee)

Conservation Corps: I reported back as Vice Chair of the Committee on Environment, Resiliency and Parks regarding a working session recently held to discuss a city-level conservation corps for Boston, sponsored by Councilor Bok and me. During the hearing, we heard from representatives from Boston’s Parks and Recreation Department, Boston Water and Sewer Commission, the Office of Workforce Development, and Philadelphia’s PowerCorpsPHL program, as well as from Boston advocates about opportunities to create an urban conservation corps program that helps the City meet our climate goals while providing workforce development opportunities and sustainable career pathways, particularly for Black, Brown and other underserved Boston residents. (Remains in Committee)


  • $245,900 FY21 Local Culture Council Program grant, awarded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, to be administered by the Office of Arts & Culture to fund the Boston Cultural Council sub-grants. (Passed)

UPCOMING HEARINGS (Streaming online at

  • Our next City Council meeting will be on Wednesday, March 17th at 12PM.

  • Tuesday, March 16th at 10AM: Hearing regarding a supplemental sidewalk clearance program during snowstorms in Boston (Committee on City and Neighborhood Services)

For complete notes of Boston City Council meetings, visit to sign up to receive Council Notes automatically.

Our South Boston Newsletter: St Paddy's Day, Outdoor Dining, Dog Licenses

News From Our South Boston Liaison: Haley Dillon

St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast Hosted by Senator Nick Collins

With COVID-19 still among us and the difficulties and sadness so many Americans have endured over the last year, Senator Collins is bringing back the breakfast this year with a live, virtual event! He hopes to still bring together the voices of leaders around the community and state, talk about how the community has come together in this tough time and try to add in a few laughs along the way. Click here to read more about the event.


Our community meetings have moved to an online platform and all meeting links will be posted on our Facebook page. You do not need to have a Facebook to access the page and the information. Just type “” into your browser and you can see information on all upcoming meetings in the South Boston area. 
Click here!

City Announcements


Boston Public Schools (BPS) announced today the opening of the first vaccine clinic dedicated to administering COVID-19 vaccinations to educators, bus drivers, bus monitors, administrators and all BPS employees and contractors. The first of two BPS-only sites will open on Sunday, March 14, and will add a new level of access to the COVID-19 vaccine to ensure the health and safety of the BPS workforce.

The first clinic, located at the Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF) Gallivan Community Center in Mattapan, will offer approximately 200 appointments per day. BPS will operate the clinic on Sundays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and Monday through Thursday from 2:00 to 7:00 pm. The clinic will run for two weeks, then will be operational again after 21 days to provide second doses for an additional two weeks. Staff and contractors can sign up for appointments at the BPS clinic beginning Thursday, March 11. Read more.


Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that in collaboration with the Boston Licensing Board and City departments, outdoor dining for approved restaurants in Boston will now begin on March 22 due to the weather forecast. This is an earlier start than the previously-announced date of April 1. 
The 2021 Outdoor Dining Pilot Program will continue many of the successful initiatives from last year's program, such as streamlined permitting and outdoor patios on roadways that enable restaurants with narrow sidewalks to offer patio seating to patrons, while offering new features based on community feedback. Applications for outdoor dining licenses on both public and private property are now open, and businesses can apply online. Read more.


With a current increase in dog adoptions during the COVID-19 quarantine, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department’s Animal Care and Control Division is reminding City dog owners that the annual deadline for licensing their pets is March 31. All dogs in Boston require a new license each year. Read more


Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement (MOWA) and the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) today announced the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) of $250,000 in funding to support organizations working to create equitable access to child care services in Boston. Grantees will be awarded until the fund is exhausted. Childcare providers, nonprofit organizations, community stakeholders are encouraged to apply. The application period is now open and proposals will be accepted through April 23, 2021. Application can be found here. Read more.


Mayor Martin J. Walsh today signed a 42 percent increase in Boston’s Linkage fees into law. The Linkage Program requires large scale commercial developments over 100,000 square feet in Boston to pay into funds that support the creation of affordable housing and workforce development. The increase will raise the current fees to $15.39 per square foot, of which $13.00 will be dedicated to affordable housing and $2.39 will be dedicated to workforce training. The increase was proposed by Mayor Walsh in February and follows unanimous approval by the Boston Planning & Development Agency Board and Boston Zoning Commission. Read more.


Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the completion of the first phase of Renew Boston Trust, the City of Boston’s initiative to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for municipal buildings. The first phase of the $45 million investment spans 14 City-owned buildings, including libraries, community centers, police and fire stations, and helps reduce energy use, save money, and reduce city-emitted greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. 
This work marks continued commitment by the City of Boston to lead by example and implement strategies outlined in the 2019 Climate Action Plan update to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and become carbon neutral by 2050. Read more.


Are you a tenant or owner occupant facing housing instability? The COVID Eviction Legal Help Project (CELHP) provides free legal help to low-income tenants and owner-occupants across Massachusetts in COVID-related eviction cases. To find free eviction legal help in your area go to Find Legal Help. You may also be able to get assistance paying back rent or back utilities or be protected by the federal eviction moratorium. To learn about new changes to the law and links to other resources like rental assistance and food benefits go to  


The City is asking everyone to celebrate responsibly this St. Patrick's Day. The safest way to celebrate is at home with the people you live with, or to gather virtually with friends and family. Attending gatherings increases your risk of getting and spreading COVID-19. When celebrating, please be sure to follow COVID-19 safety guidelines:
  • Avoid crowds and large parties
  • Wear a face mask in public
  • Stay at least 6 feet apart from others
  • Wash your hands often
Celebrate responsibly, Boston. Find more CDC holiday tips here.


The Inspectional Services Department will be hosting a series of workshops featuring Boston’s Zoning Code and ISD’s permitting process. In order to get a better understanding of topics to discuss we are asking the community to fill out the questionnaires at


This new tool will increase access to information related to proposed projects seeking relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The tracker is designed for anyone to quickly search for a specific appeal that has been submitted to the ZBA, or to search for appeals based on criteria such as location or applicant, in order to identify the status of the appeal. Visit the ZBA Tracker pageFind the Project Tracker here.

Monday, March 08, 2021

Fort Point Landmarks March 2021 Meeting


Thursday, March 11, 2021
6:00 PM

This hearing will be held virtually and NOT in person. 
You can participate in this hearing by going to our Zoom meeting link 
or by calling 929-205-6099 and entering meeting id 822 6815 9176#
You can also submit written comments or questions to 
or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks.


APP # 21.0481 FPC    22 Boston Wharf Road
Applicant: Duck Creek Technologies
Proposed work: At the roof, construct a stair head house and roof deck with metal picket railings and acoustic metal panel wall.  

Applicant: BP3-BOS3 5 Channel Center Street LLC
Proposed work: At the roof level, install new visible mechanical systems and equipment. At the Medallion Avenue elevation, replace a garage door with louvers in the existing masonry opening.

Applicant: Artists for Humanity
Proposed work: Install a public art sculpture at the Stillings Street façade
(modify APP # 21.0238 FPC Certificate of Design Approval)


Proposed work: Modify the ground level façade and topography and install signage. 

In order to expedite the review process, the commission has delegated the approval of certain work items, such as those involving ordinary maintenance and repair, restoration or replacement, or which otherwise have a minimal impact on a building’s appearance, to commission staff pending ratification at its monthly public hearing. Having been identified as meeting these eligibility criteria and all applicable guidelines, the following applications will be approved at this hearing.

APP # 21.0628 FPC 250-253 Summer Street: At the sea wall, repair existing concrete foundation, repoint deteriorated granite joints, replace galvanic anodes on steel columns in
kind, and fill voids using grout bags. At the Harborwalk, replace deteriorated timber deck boards in kind. 




David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, John Karoff, Lynn Smiledge, Vacancy
Alternates: Thomas Rodde, Vacancy

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Nautilus Pier 4 Restaurant Abutters Meeting March 8

The Office of Mayor Martin J. Walsh invites you to a virtual abutters meeting for Nautilus Pier 4 restaurant on :

Monday, March 8th 2021
5:30 p.m.
140 Northern Ave

Proposal: Nautilus Pier 4 has been approved by the city for non-live entertainment indoors. We would like to add outdoors non-live entertainment (music through outdoor speakers) for the hours of 9am to 11pm, with a carve out that the hours of 8pm to 11pm be limited to “ambient background music.” This mimics the terms of our lease.

Nautilus Pier 4 would also like to apply for an outdoor live entertainment license.
Primarily we would like the ability for a DJ to be able to connect directly to our sound system and play their music through it, both indoors and out. Secondarily we would like to consider being able to hire musicians to also play through our sound system or their own setup. This would be limited to singer/songwriter (guitar) types or other small groups in the same vein. We are requesting hours of 11am to 8pm for these types of entertainment.

Webex Meeting Link:
Or you can call into the meeting by dialing +1-408-418-9388
Meeting number (access code): 129 387 3235
Meeting password: 140n

For more information please contact: 
Haley Dillon 
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services 

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

FPAC & FPTC Honor Women & Family In "Metaphors Are Not Enough" and "Crossing Cultures"

The Fort Point Theatre Channel presents excerpts from Metaphors Are Not Enough, Poetry and Prose by The Streetfeet Women on: 

Sunday, March 7, 2021
3:30-5:00 pm

On the eve of International Women’s Day, Fort Point Theatre Channel will host six members of The Streetfeet Women who will share pieces, some with music, from their recently published anthology of poems and prose, Metaphors Are Not Enough. All the work celebrates and honors women and girls.

Christina Liu: Spinster; Beyond China; Untitled
Mary Elizabeth Birnbaum: France Eagle; The Ritual of the Visit; Mise-en-place, Carbon Steel
Mary Millner McCullough: DNA and Mayonnaise
Andrea L. Humphrey: Heroic Birth
Elena Harap: Minutes excerpt; Birth Control; Magnificat
Lymyn O'Sing: Smoke in the Paper; Trees Sing to Me in Winter

The work spans themes of freedom and justice, identity, culture, love, and friendship. Throughout, the women offer wisdom, humor, and the unique perspective of a diverse company of writers and performers.


The Fort Point Arts Community (FPAC) invites you to the art opening of “CROSSING CULTURES: Family, Memory & Displacement” art opening on: 

March 11, 2021
6:30 PM

“CROSSING CULTURES” addresses the theme of “family” from the point of view of four women artists who came to this country as young adults, leaving their traditions, families, and cultures behind. Unifying their work is its relationship to memory, displacement and identity. The exhibit will revolve around art that they have created to reflect upon what they have left behind while shifting countries and at the same time honoring and remembering family traditions and vanishing ways of life. A commonality of their work is the use of vintage family photographs that they have collected from their many visits back to their homelands. This project embodies and celebrates their shared immigrant story and citizenry in a nation composed of diverse backgrounds, families, politics, faiths, identities, and ideas.

The Artists

Astrid Reischwitz is a lens-based artist who explores storytelling from a personal perspective. Her projects include intimate views of private spaces, and reflections on her own history and values. Using keepsakes from family life, old photographs, and storytelling strategies, she builds a visual world of memory, identity, place, and home. 

Claudia Ruiz Gustafson is a Peruvian-born, Massachusetts-based visual artist, educator and curator. Her work is mainly autobiographical and self-reflective; often portraying themes of femininity, family, memory, dreams and personal mythology. 

Nilou Moochhala’s visual practice (art & design) has been channeled into examining issues of cross-cultural change and transformation through collaging and assemblage techniques. Originally from Mumbai, she has been inspired to juxtapose found objects, memorabilia, and use of language to create social and political narratives, be it in public street spaces or private art galleries. 

Vivian Poey is a photographer and educator in Cambridge, MA. Her work examines a number of issues ranging from migration and cultural assimilation to the passing of time. She is American, born in Mexico of Cuban parents and lived in Guatemala and Colombia before moving to the U.S. This complicated trajectory informs all of her art, which serves as a method of investigation, and includes photography, installation and performance.

Monday, March 01, 2021

Boston City Council Looks At Street Trees, Community Voice, Land Use & More

City Councilor-At-Large Michelle Wu publishes notes from Boston City Council meetings. Below are a few highlights from February 24, 2021 Boston City Council meeting. Please note that the Council did not meet on February 17.


Special Commission on Ending Family Homelessness: The Council voted to pass an ordinance to create a Special Commission on Ending Family Homelessness, which will develop an actionable and measurable plan to end family homelessness in the City of Boston.


Street Tree Removal: Councilors Flynn and Breadon called for a hearing to discuss the process for street tree removals in the City of Boston. The current process includes a public hearing to gather feedback before a removal, but there is no requirement to notify abutters, and when trees are removed prior to a development project entering into the permitting process, residents do not have the opportunity to provide input beforehand. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Environment, Resiliency and Parks.

Community Voice in Impact Advisory Groups: Councilor Mejia called for a hearing on community voice in Impact Advisory Groups (IAGs), which are groups of up to 15 individuals tasked with providing advice and feedback on large-scale projects proposed by the Boston Planning and Development Agency to ensure that these developments meet the needs of the community and do not contribute to displacement, gentrification and a loss of community character. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Planning, Development, and Transportation. 

Community Notification Process: Councilor Essaibi George called for a hearing to review the procedures to alert a neighborhood to development-related meetings. The BPDA must publish documents related to a proposed document within 5 days and share with the local neighborhood council or to a similar community or civic organization, but there is no mention throughout the Zoning Code of a required period of time that the BPDA should notify residents of any upcoming public meetings. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation.

Developer Profiles: Councilor Essaibi George called for a hearing regarding the creation of publicly available developer profiles, which may include information like accurate contact information, information regarding anh partnered firms, average Boston Residents Jobs Policy (BRJP) score, number of market-rate units and affordable units, and the BPDA Project Manager, the total number of commercial and residential units, any past or present DND or BHA contracts, list of publicly knowable civil rights litigation, and basic developer history. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation.

Planning and Land-Use Tools for Public Good:  Councilor Bok called for a hearing regarding using planning and land-use tools for public good; for example, by building on past tradition and using BPDA tools to help secure more land for the community purposes and long-term affordability that community land trusts can ensure; writing ground leases to ensure the long-term value of public land is captured by the public; and structuring city deed restrictions and ground leases to provide preferential options for conversion to cooperative or community land trust structures whenever possible. This matter was assigned to the Committee on Planning, Development and Transportation.

UPCOMING HEARINGS (Streaming online at

  • Next City Council meeting will be on Wednesday, March 3rd at 12PM.

For complete notes of Boston City Council meetings, visit to sign up to receive Council Notes automatically.

FPNA Neighborhood Gathering Features The Outdoors, Development & Parks and Mayoral Candidate Michelle Wu

 You are invited to a virtual

Fort Point Seaport
Neighborhood Gathering

Tuesday, February 23, 2021
6 pm to 8 pm


Our C-6 Community Service Officers

Cisco Brewers & Il Giardino
Seaport Spring Updates
WS Development

ICA Reopening, Dancing & Live Music
requesting support of outdoor live entertainment license amendment. 
Update: The ICA withdrew their amended application. If they decide to pursue it at a future date, they will present again 

100 Acres Ups & Downs 
Building Heights and Park Sizes
from the Channel to the Haul Rd/South Boston Bypass Rd.*

Mayoral Candidate Spotlight
Boston City Councillor-At-Large Michelle Wu

* With development underway on the former Gillette parking lots and the planning of the 100 Acres Open Space Concept Draft Plan, we want to ensure the neighborhood has accurate information.
Everyone has a lot of questions: Are the buildings getting bigger? How are the park sizes changing? Where are parks getting smaller? What are the transportation impacts? What about climate change and flood protection of the inner neighborhood?, etc... 
Tune in Tuesday night to find out more and how you can help build a better neighborhood together.
We invite you to renew your membership or become an FPNA member for the first time. An individual membership is $35 and a family membership is $50. You can pay by check or via venmo @FPNA-Boston.  Join FPNA today!
Upcoming Happenings

Monday, February 22nd: 6:30pm Community Meeting for a proposed South Boston Retail Cannabis Establishment at 558-560 Dorchester Avenue

Tuesday, February 23d: FPNA Neighborhood Gathering 6pm - 8pm. Details above.

Wednesday, February 24th: 7:30pm. Abutters Public Meeting for ICA Outdoor Summer Program live entertainment license amendment request. Adding DJ and dancing with a change of hours. Virtual meeting link

Thursday, February 25th: 10am City Council Hearing on the 
proliferation of electronic billboards. If you are unable to attend and would like to submit comments, details are included in the link.

Neighborhood updates, questions or concerns, please contact FPNA