updated 07/22/20 with BCDC presentation linked below.
The Boston Civic Design Commission Design (BCDC) Committee will be reviewing 15 Necco (former GE Headquarter's site) via Zoom on:
Please attend and give your input. At this meeting, the BCDC may recommend the 15 Necco design for approval at the August 4th full Commission meeting.
The BCDC meets to discuss the public realm impacts of major projects currently being reviewed by the BPDA. Committee meetings are open to the public. View the 15 Necco Street for last month's 15 Necco BCDC presentation and all public documents to date.
The next meeting is the BPDA 15 Necco IAG meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 30th at 5:30 pm. The public is welcome to listen in and give feedback as time permits.
originally published 07.17.20