is pleased to invite you to
a special evening
Waterfront Development In Your Neighborhood
Become a more effective advocate for public amenities and accessible waterfront development. Learn how the MA Public Waterfront Act (Chapter 91) can improve our waterfront.*
is pleased to invite you to
a special evening
Waterfront Development In Your Neighborhood
Become a more effective advocate for public amenities and accessible waterfront development. Learn how the MA Public Waterfront Act (Chapter 91) can improve our waterfront.*
photo by Mary Cole |
presented by the Harborfront Neighborhood Alliance
in partnership with Boston Harbor Now & Conservation Law Foundation
Wednesday, June 26th
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
BSA Space
290 Congress Street, 2nd floor, Fort Point Room
Space is limited. Register today.
6:00 PM Meet Your Neighbors: A
Harborside Mingle
6:30 PM Welcome & Introductions
6:45 PM Public Waterfront Act (Chapter
91): Your Rights. Your Actions.
Deanna Moran, Director of Environmental
Planning Conservation Law Foundation
Heather Miller, Staff Attorney Conservation
Law Foundation
7:15 PM Public Involvement & Chapter
91: A Harborside Chat
Ben Lynch, Waterways Program Chief Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection
Department of Environmental Protection
7:45 PM Exploring Your Chapter 91 Spaces
Jill Valdes Horwood, Director of Policy Boston
Harbor Now
8:00 PM Panel Discussion: Chapter 91 In
Jill Valdes Horwood, Ben Lynch, Heather
Miller and Deanna Moran
8:25 PM Closing Remarks
Please note that FPNA will not be holding a neighborhood meeting Tuesday, June 25th so that people may attend this meeting.
published originally 6.18.19