Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Welcome to 2024: About The Neighborhood The First 11 Days

updated 1/16/2024 with 232 A St DEIR meeting presentation and MCCA Cypher St meeting presentation and recording.

2024 is off to a strong start with Squares  + Streets, development and road environmental impacts plus a call for volunteers. 

Is one of your 2024 resolutions to be more involved in your neighborhood?
FPNA is looking for a representative from each residential building to act as a Building Captain or Ambassador. Be in the know and share what's going on with your neighbors.
With over 80 acres of land open to development in the neighborhood, we are looking for interested residents to join our Planning and Development Committee.
You may indicate your interest in either area here. Together we can build a better neighborhood. 

Here is what you can expect over the first two weeks:

Jan 4th: Square + Streets Community Office Hours from 12:30pm to 1:30pm and from 6pm to 7pm

Jan 9th: Mayor Michelle Wu's State of the City live streamed at Boston.gov or on Youtube at 7pm.

Jan 10th: Zoning Commission Hearing from 9am to 11am.  Agenda includes a zoning text amendment, which would amend Section 80B-2.5, Waiver of Large Project Review Requirements for Certain Projects to Preserve or Create Affordable Housing, of the Boston Zoning Code, in connection with the Mayor's Executive Order to streamline approval of Affordable Housing.

Jan 10th: 232 A Street Community Meeting to discuss the MEPA pre-DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Report) filing and post ENF filing updates from 5pm-6pm. View presentation. For more meeting details, check out the 232 A Street project website.

Jan 10th: Squares + Streets Citywide Draft Zoning Amendment Update Public Meeting at 6pm to 7:30pm to provide an update on the draft zoning text amendment that will create new Squares + Streets zoning districts to be adopted into the Boston Zoning Code

Jan 11th: MCCA Cypher St. Remediation Project Follow-Up Discussion from 6pm to 8pm at Crispr Therapeutics, 105 West 1st Street. View meeting presentation and meeting recording.

originally published 01.03.24

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

URBAN EDGE: Change, Death + Superstition - Opening Reception January 20th

The Gallery at 249 A Street to premier Urban Edge, a new exhibit of works by Steve Kromer and Duane Lucia.  The opening reception takes place on:

Saturday, January 20, 2024
249 A Street
Free & Open to the public
Click here for tickets to reception

The exhibit runs from Wednesday, January 10 through Saturday, February 24, 2024. Gallery hours are by appointment only at (617) 416-0718.

Urban Edge is a collection of paintings, mixed media sculptures and photographs of graffiti through which the two artists conjure up thoughts and feelings about vandalism, superstition, street beat, death, surrealism, and neighborhood resistance to change. Kromer’s photographs portray the beauty, vulgarity and rawness not concerned with the comfort zone of others; roadside attractions which don’t need to be intellectualized. Lucia’s paintings and totem sculptures tell of a 45-year journey; a degenerated photo booth selfie, an assemblage of discarded objects, furniture found in the trash, cans, drift wood from the Fort Point Channel and more.

Steve Kromer is a member of the 249 A St. Cooperative. His work “Party of Three” was presented at the 40th anniversary group exhibition at Atlantic Wharf Gallery this past spring. He is a singer, songwriter and harmonica player.

Duane Lucia is a Boston artist, curator and documentary filmmaker working in Fort Point. He is the co-founder of Gallery East, which since 1979 has been a platform for Boston’s avant-garde.

The Gallery at 249 A Street is supported in part by a grant from the South Boston Community Development Foundation.

Monday, January 01, 2024

Fort Point Landmarks January 2024 Meeting


will hold a public hearing on:

Thursday, January 11, 2024
6:00 PM
This hearing will be held virtually and NOT in person. 
You can participate in this hearing by going to the Zoom meeting link or by
calling  929-436-2866 and entering meeting id 971 0592 5189#.You can also submit written comments or questions to FortPointLDC@boston.

I.   ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW/APPROVAL: In order to expedite the review process, the commission has delegated the approval of certain work items, such as those involving ordinary maintenance and repair, restoration or replacement, or which otherwise have a minimal impact on a building’s appearance, to commission staff pending ratification at its monthly public hearing. Having been identified as meeting these eligibility criteria and all applicable guidelines, the following applications will be approved at this hearing:

► Applicants whose projects are listed under this heading NEED NOT APPEAR at the hearing. Following the hearing, you will be issued a Determination Sheet to present at the Inspectional Services Department (1010 Massachusetts Avenue) as proof of project approval when applying for permits. ISD personnel will send an electronic copy of your building-permit application to the commission staff for review. (To avoid potential confusion, the text of your building-permit application should be consistent with the project description given below.) Commission staff will accordingly authorize the execution of the work,attaching any applicable provisos, reflecting the relevant guidelines and precedents.

► PLEASE NOTE THAT FOLLOWING ISSUANCE OF THE DETERMINATION SHEET NO FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE ISSUED FOR THE APPLICATIONS LISTED. The electronic building-permit application as annotated by commission staff will constitute your Certificate of Appropriateness; this will be valid for two years from the date of the approval letter. The applicant is required to notify the commission of any project changes; failure to do so may affect the status of the approval.

APP # 24.0594 FPC 12 FARNSWORTH STREET: Installation of additional Boston Fire Department required signage at the existing building at 12 Farnsworth Street, indicating the location of the building's Fire Department Connection.

APP # 24.0572 FPC 10 NECCO STREET: Replace existing garage doors at first floor located on the South side of 10 Necco Street with new.




Members: David Berarducci, Susan Goganian, Lynn Smiledge, Vacancy, Vacancy
Alternates: Thomas Rodde, Vacancy