MassDOT is hosting a public meeting to present the South Station Expansion Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) findings on:
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
6 pm
Fort Point Room, 2nd floor
Atlantic Wharf
290 Congress Street

The FEIR summarizes the project’s environmental benefits and impacts. It responds to comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), lists changes since the DEIR, and updates the permits and approvals anticipated for the project.
You can comment on the FEIR via email, mail or fax to:
Secretary Matthew Beaton, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Mail: MEPA Office,
Attn: Holly Johnson, MEPA Analyst
EEA # 15028
100 Cambridge St., Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114
Fax: 617-626-1181
Comment letters on the FEIR must be received by the MEPA office no later than August 5, 2016. All comment letters should include EEA #15028.
In addition, MassDOT is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) under the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The EA will be released in 2017.
MassDOT is committed to comprehensive and inclusive civic engagement as part of the South Station Expansion project. Please explore the website for additional information, and feel free to contact Steve Woelfel, Deputy Director, MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning.
originally posted 7.7.16
originally posted 7.7.16
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