Wednesday, July 7,2021 is Conservation night for South Boston and Fort Point.
Councilor Ed Flynn and Councilor At-Large Michael Flaherty along with the Community Preservation Team are hosting a virtual Community Preservation Act (CPA) information session for South Boston residents on Wednesday, July 7th at 6pm.

Topics will include the application process, eligibility criteria, relevant deadlines and other related information. If you wish to be in the know, register for tonight's informational session
Learn more about how to utilize CPA funding to help preserve and enhance our neighborhood.
At the Boston Conservation Commission tonight, Related Beal is requesting a determination for the authorization of geotechnical borings and test pits, located at 244 – 284 A St, South Boston, MA (100ft Buffer to Coastal Bank, LSCSF).
Conservation Commission Meeting
244 - 284 A Street is tenth on the agenda. You can drop in and out to see how the meeting is progressing. Zoom in to discover more about the 10 test pits and 58 test borings on the development site and its impacts on groundwater, stormwater management and the neighborhood.
The proposed test borings will be approximately 2-in. to 4-in. diameter and will be advanced between approximately 5- to 60-feet below existing surface grades. Deeper boreholes are anticipated to be performed using a truck-mounted drill rig, while shallower explorations may be conducted using a direct-push (Geoprobe®) rig. The test pits will be roughly 10 feet by 10 feet to a depth of about 8 to 10 feet, with the pavement being sawcut and taken offsite for proper disposal. Greater details and impacts are outlined in the application.
244 -284 A Street
The Boston Conservation Commission protects the interests of the public and private water supply, groundwater, prevention of pollution, flood control, prevention of storm damage, protection of fisheries and land containing shellfish, and protection of wildlife habitat.
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